петък, 4 юли 2014 г.

The inspiring story about a girl who wore a burlap dress to prom – for a good cause

In these difficult times for the economy, the ever-growing problem with unemployment and the financial crisis, more parents are facing problems when preparing their kids for their prom.
If you perform an Internet search for cheap prom dresses 2014, you will be overwhelmed with the number of websites and online stores which are offering affordable prom dresses, in some cases even for less than $50.

But certainly, a teenage girl from Surrey, British Columbia in Canada took this quest for cheap prom dresses 2014 to a whole new level.
The 18 year old girl proved to be much more thoughtful and somewhat wiser than many of the kids her age. Instead of purchasing the $700 dress, which Courtney Barich and her mom had chosen for her prom, the girl decided that it was a quite selfish act and inspired by her mom’s words that she would look well in a potato sack, decided to make her own prom dress – from burlap.
Not only that, young Courtney proceeded with a fundraising project with a goal of $10,000 donations for an orphanage in Manila.  The teenager set up a Facebook page and a website, on which she vowed to wear a burlap dress on her graduation, if she could raise the sum for the orphanage.
Needless to say, the fundraiser caused a stir, and the girl managed to raise the amount and even surpass it. In the meantime, Suman Faulknera, a designer from Lata Design saw Courtney’s page and decided to donate her time and talent to make the girl a one-strapped burlap dress for her special day.
Actually, the dress made from a potato sack, which Courtney wore to her prom was quite pretty, and definitely beat out all competition in the race for cheap prom dresses 2014.
There is no doubt, that the prom is somewhat like a wedding day for almost any young girl, and many parents will spend hundreds and thousands of dollars to provide their girls with designer dresses, shoes, accessories and limo rides.  But it is also a fact that many parents and girls realize that choosing from the cheap prom dresses 2014 or making their own dress will save them a lot of money and in Courtney’s case may help people who are actually in real need for money and help.
Meanwhile, Courtney has already donated the money to the orphanage in Manila, where she and her classmates went to do some volunteer work.  She is continuing her efforts though, and plans to visit the orphanage again in the fall to help the children in need.